As you did it to one of the least of these, my brothers, you did it unto me. – Matthew 25:40
Showing the love of Christ in practical ways to our community and world are key to the ministry at Cherokee. We sponsor and staff a variety of missions from local works like The Centerville Elementary Backpack Program, support of Thornwell Children’s Home, local food drives and Disaster Relief, all the way to national and international ministry like Group Mission Trips and our trips to Costa Rica to support our sister church Idisa Iglesia DivinoSalvador CalleBlancos and Los Disques children’s ministry. Cherokee Presbyterian is a place where God’s abounding and redeeming love spills over our walls and into the loves of the people around us.
Raise up a child in the way of the Lord, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. – Proverbs 22:6
At Cherokee we strive to build a strong foundation in faith for all of our young people. Whether participating in Children’s Church or Vacation Bible School for kids, or the weekly SNL small groups for middle and high school students, we work to give them the spiritual roots that will allow them to grow into lifelong disciples of Jesus. Faith learned is supplemented with faith in action as our youth travel every summer to communities around the country to aid in missions. The fun times are not neglected either, whether it is lock-ins, retreats, or First Friday Fun Nights.
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. – Proverbs 17:17
An important part of the ministry at Cherokee is nurturing our growth as individual Christians. Theology on Tap, Prime Time, Single Women are a few of the groups we offer to develop a deeper walk with Christ. Other believers are the greatest resource we have in developing a more genuine spirituality and a stronger faith.